1 mug (300g) of bulgur wheat
1 preserved lemon
1 cinnamon stick
400g lean beef mince
1 heaped tsp garam masala
olive oil
3 jarred red peppers
4 spring onions
1 tsp smoked paprika
700g passata
1 bunch of fresh coriander
1 x 400g tin of red kidney beans
1 pinch of cumin seeds
4 tbsp fat-free natural yoghurt
1 lime
Grilled chillies
4 fresh chillies
Put 1 mug of bulgur wheat, 2 mugs of boiling water, the preserved lemon and the cinnamon stick into the medium pan and cover, stirring occasionally
With clean hands, scrunch the mince with salt, pepper and the garam masala Divide the mixture into 4, then with w et hands quickly shape each piece into 4 balls, placing them into the frying pan as you roll them and adding 1 tablespoon of oil, toss regularly
Blitz the peppers, half the trimmed spring onions, the paprika, passata, half the coriander and a pinch of salt and pepper in the liquidizer until smooth, then pour into the medium frying pan (swirl a good splash of water around the liquidizer and pour into the pan) and turn the heat up to high Prick the chillies and put under the grill to blacken all over, then remove
Rinse and drain the beans, then add to the meatballs w ith the cumin seeds
Use tongs to transfer the meatballs straight into the pan of sauce, leaving the beans behind Finely slice the remaining trimmed spring onions Stir the beans into the sauce Remove the cinnamon stick, then mash the lemon into the bulgur wheat and serve with the meatball sauce, dollops of yoghurt, the charred chillies and wedges of lime, scattered with the remaining spring onions and coriander leaves
Well its look like a dream recipe for me because i never try this before now i got your ingredients and procedure i will try this in this Sunday with my family and i will tell you again after try this but its look very yummy and delicious i hope i can made this easily. read more